Numbers don’t lie…


Ari Snyder (CHS, PA) 3 years hybrid

17:54 5k xc 15:51 5k xc (15:11 road 5k)

10:20 3200m 9:16 3200m

4:57 1600m 4:24 1600m

Emma Colavito (RMHS, MD) 6 months remote

5:29 1600m 5:09 1600m

Jacob Bayes (BHS, MD) 5 months hybrid

16:32 5k xc 15:58 5k xc

Cadan Felten (BCC, MD) 4 months hybrid

18:16 5k xc 17:06 5k xc

Isabella Snyder (CPHS, PA) 4 months remote

22:04 5k xc 21:04 5k xc

Todd Simmons Jr. (Pro Football Player, multiple leagues) 3 months in person

22.32 MPH top speed 23.42 MPH top speed

Chris works with Middle School, High School, College, and Professional Athletes. His areas of expertise are XC, Track, Speed Development, and Combine Prep. If you are interested in working with Coach Clark, reach out!

Chris is a former NCAA DII All-American and professional Track athlete. He now is a Private Coach and HS Science Teacher in MD.

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